Where does the time go? Seriously, time needs to slow it down just a little. It took nine months to grow this amazing baby in my belly. That seemed to take FOREVER. And now she's nine months old and I don't even know where months 3-7 went. Were they even in there?
At nine months, Julia is crawling all over the place. It makes mommy nervous, but I just love watching her explore. I think once babies start to crawl and eventually walk, this is when mommies loose all of the baby weight once and for all. I am up chasing her around all day, I hardly sit down anymore. I cherish nap time way more than I ever used to. And weekends when Tim is home...BLISS!
Baby girl, you make me the happiest lady alive! I totally understand the love my mom has for me now that I have a daughter of my own and can feel that kind of love for myself. The rough pregnancy, the sleepless first couple of months, the constant worrying. It's all totally worth it because at the end of the day I have the most beautiful and perfect little girl who gives me the biggest smiles that melt my heart, looks to me for everything and loves me every second (even if she hasn't said mama yet...we're working on it). Happy 9 months my little sweet pea!
"How wonderful life is, now you're in the world." -Elton John
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